• Guests with disabilities are permitted to bring their service animals into areas where guests are generally allowed. Service animals are not permitted on any attraction or in the water.
  • Under the Americans With Disabilities Act, a service animal is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. A service animal is not a pet. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals and will not permitted into the park.
  • The care or supervision of a service animal is solely the responsibility of his or her owner. Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered – unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. Service animals may never be left unsupervised. Water World team members may not supervise, watch or monitor a service animal at any time.